Pássaros Marinha da Troncalhada, Ria de Aveiro
A maioria das pessoas são outras pessoas. Seus pensamentos são opiniões de outros. Suas vidas são mimetismo. Suas paixões são citações. Oscar Wilde
Canal Ria de Aveiro
I feel I should be trying to complete my life, whatever 'completing a life' means. Oliver Sacks
Borboleta Pararge aegeria wiki
Alex Todorov, my colleague at Princeton, has explored the biological roots of the rapid judgments of how safe it is to interact with a stranger. He showed that we are endowed with an ability to evaluate, in a single glance at a stranger’s face, two potentially crucial facts about that person; how dominant (and therefore potentially threatening) he is, and how trust worthy he is,
Thinking, fast and slow - Daniel Kahneman
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It is quite possible - overwhelmingly probable, one might guess - that we will always learn more about human life and personality from novels than from scientific psychology. Noam Chomsky